Tanjung Emas at Night

We know we’ve written a lot about Muar. What can we say? Muar is simply awesome. We’ve also covered Tanjung Emas and Tanjung Ketapang, with all the accompanying pictures taken during the daytime.

In the article, we briefly discussed how lively the place is at night. So, here we go—Tanjung Emas at night. Why not Tanjung Ketapang at night? Because that place is closed during the nighttime. Even if it were open, we don’t think we would go there.

Back to Tanjung Emas. In the evening, around 4 to 5 pm onwards, you’ll see vendors in the square at Tanjung Emas getting ready, setting up tables, and arranging all sorts of toys.

On the other side of the square, other vendors are preparing and charging their toy cars for rental. There were also electric scooters.

These pictures were taken around 8 PM something. The lights in the trees were already lit up. We went to the booth and rented one toy car for Ashraf to play.

While Ashraf has his toy car, my wife decided to rent an electric scooter, and they both played together, going from one end to the other end of the square. And here I am, taking these pictures. It was fun. After that, we all played bubbles.

Thank you for reading. Since you’re in Muar or planning to visit Muar, don’t forget to read these articles: Family Fun at Tanjung Emas & Tanjung Ketapang, Lorong Karat Muo & Kopi Kopi Malam, as well as Satay, Sunset & Kopi.

Rattan Island Tray - Set of 2

Use it to serve appetizers, drinks, or snacks at your next gathering, or simply as a decorative centerpiece. Easy to carry and durable enough to withstand regular use, the Rattan Island Tray is the perfect combination of style and functionality.

Ceramic Pen Holder - Red & White

Made with the same techniques and materials used to create the famous labu sayong of Malaysia, this sleek and minimalist pen holder features a smooth finish that highlights the natural textures of the clay.

Rectangular Rattan Basket - Big

The sturdy construction and versatile design make them perfect for carrying produce, groceries, or household items. The natural texture and finish of the rattan add a touch of comfort and relaxation to your décor.

Midnight by Tiffin Jeiwa

This tiffin carrier from Tiffin Jeiwa features a beautiful hand-painted design. The waterproof and non-fading paint ensures that your carrier will look great for years to come. Made of high-quality stainless steel, the carrier is durable and easy to clean. You can even place it in the freezer or chiller, making it perfect for storing leftovers or packed lunches.

Labu Sayong Water Dispenser (3L)

Handcrafted using traditional techniques passed down through generations by skilled artisans in the village of Sayong, Perak, this 3-litre dispenser embodies both artistry and practicality.

Mengkuang Regent Tote

Whether you're looking for a chic everyday accessory or a statement piece for a special occasion, the Mengkuang Regent Tote is the perfect choice. Experience timeless style and exquisite craftsmanship that you can cherish for years to come.

Batu Seremban

A traditional game that generations of Malaysians have enjoyed. Batu Seremban. Made from soft and durable materials, our Batu Seremban set includes five small, colourful beanbag-like stones that are perfect for tossing and catching.

Mini Batik Tote Bag - Corak Tiga

A blend of beauty and local craftsmanship. This tote bag is small but stunning, perfect for your everyday needs. We're proud to say that this bag is 100% locally made, supporting local talent and businesses. Skilled local artisans carefully craft each bag by hand. This means your bag is unique and made with love.


This is it. Your search for iconic handicrafts of Malaysia starts here.


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