We visited Lokarisma in Penang weeks ago. On 27 December 2023 to be exact. Lokarisma is located on the premises of Kraftangan Pulau Pinang in Balik Pulau. It took us 20 to 30 minutes to arrive from our hotel near Universiti Sains Malaysia.

Lokarisma is a ceramic studio, and Amirul is behind it. He learned a little bit of ceramics during his university days. Once graduated, he became more interested in ceramics and decided to delve deeper into the field.

Amirul decided to do an internship at Sila Studio and learned all things ceramics there under the tutelage of Dr. Shamsu Mohamad, a former lecturer at the School of Art, Universiti Sains Malaysia.

Lokarisma handcrafts ceramic products, and as you can see in the pictures we’ve taken, they’re super beautiful. You can place your order via his Instagram or through his WhatsApp.

Lokarisma also conducts workshops. Please check his Instagram for available slots, and note that they are by appointment only. So book early! We want to come here again and have our son, Ashraf, join!

Thank you, Amirul, for having us. It was educational and therapeutic watching you mold the clay. For those interested, here’s the Google Maps link to Lokarisma. It’s always a good idea to call ahead before visiting.

Amirul was very helpful and friendly, and his explanation was concise and easy to understand. Will definitely come again. Like, follow and support Lokarisma on Facebook and Instagram.